By: Hilary Rodela
Lead Digital Content Writer for Taction USA
As an investigator, you put your best foot forward in each and every investigation. Your investigation is intended to find answers to the missing pieces of an investigation. Without the help of a crime scene investigator, or a forensic investigator, cases would be lacking. Forensic evidence is often the key to the puzzle of a case.
When you work a case, you are also helping that family who has faced sudden tragedy. No matter what type of case it is, a suicide, a home invasion, or a homicide to name a few, the event is devastating and life changing to the victims and their families.
As an investigator, you have the privilege of helping them find those much needed answers. Your part of the investigation not only helps law enforcement's side of things, but also assists in helping the family find closure. You never know what small piece of evidence may lead to a bigger explanation, which in turn, may help draw the case to a close.
Remember that as an investigator you are not only helping your agency, but the family who experienced the tragic event.