By: Hilary Rodela, Lead Digital Content Writer for Taction USA

Each item of evidence collected at a scene must be preserved properly. Some evidence is held until trial, some is collected for safe keeping or found property, and some is held indefinitely. No matter what the time limit is on an item of evidence, each item should be stored properly.
For homicide evidence every item is held forever. When it comes to protecting that item and the potential evidence on it, evidence tech’s must ensure the evidence is stored in such a way that it lasts. For instance, if a DNA swab is collected at a murder scene that becomes a cold case, the swab must be dried properly and stored the right way. This way, if the swab should be tested years later, it has not been compromised.
Remember, if you are unsure of what type of evidence packaging to use, ask someone and take an evidence packaging training. Even if is simply a refresher course, it is better to handle each item properly then package the evidence in the wrong container and something happen to it.